Friday, February 6, 2009

Moore Christmas...

It just never seems to end when we go to KY for Christmas and this year was no different. Our last stop before heading home to IL (and Santa) was the Moore family Christmas. We started with dinner and Harrison and Katie had their own table again this year - don't they look cozy??? And this year, they actually stayed at the table and ate! (Will wonders never cease!)
Then the presents came...and came...and came. You can always count on Barb to keep us busy at her house! Harrison and Katie got their matching Thomas stockings. We all commented on how much taller they they had gotten (the kids...not the stockings!). It's amazing what a year can do.

We headed home to IL the next day - and we could tell Harrison was beat! I had fun snapping pictures of him as he finally gave up and went to sleep!

It seems strange to say it so late, but we hope all you had a very Merry Christmas surrounded by friends and family - that's what makes the holidays so special!

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