Saturday, February 7, 2009

From Sorrow Comes Hope

In late January, a friend of mine lost her 17-year-old daughter to cancer. She was a very brave girl and battled her disease with all she had. The type of cancer was Sarcoma, which is more prevalent in children/young adults. I share this story because I want anyone who reads this to treasure the time they have with their families and loved ones - and remember to pray for everyone who has such a big burden to carry.

We can not understand why these things happen and the Bible tells us it is not ours to understand. So, with that in mind, I rejoice for this beautiful girl who has now gone home to Jesus and ache for her mother, brother, and father who are left here to miss her. So many friends shared their thoughts and memories at the Celebration of Life service and it was easy to see that God had blessed her with a wonderful, caring spirit.

So, I
share this with all of you who are reading this as a reminder of God's promise that when we fall, He is there to hold us. And, in the middle of the worst storms of our lives, He will carry us through. Our job is to continuing praying for each other through those times.

God bless you all.

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