Saturday, February 7, 2009

Christmas #4!

We had lunch on Christmas Day with Amy, Delmar and Emily. It was so nice to spend time with them. This winter, the weather has been yucky and we've all been hibernating. So, while the food was great (thanks, Amy!), the company was even better.

We exchanged presents all around and the kids really seemed to like their gifts. Harrison got a Photokins, which is a digital picture frame in the belly of a stuffed monkey - too cute! And, Amy was thoughtful enough to go ahead and add some pictures. Harrison LOVES it! I think Emily liked her room sign, too!

Looking back on all our Christmas activities, it seems we celebrated for weeks. And, in reality,
we did! But, we got to see most of our family and many of our friends which is how it should be. Through it all, though, we never forgot the most important reason for Christmas - the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Harrison wanted to make a birthday cake for Him, so we did. It was simple, and not really very pretty (I've never claimed to be good at that), but it tasted good and shared the most important message of all:

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