Friday, February 6, 2009

Home for Christmas

After our trip to KY, we tried to start a family tradition for us. This is one of two years we have spent Christmas Eve and Day in IL - we have usually spent them in KY. So, we attended the Christmas Eve service at the First Christian Church and enjoyed it very much.

We made it back
home that night just in time for Santa...after spending some time tracking him on Norad, we got Harrison to bed around 10:00 or so. He was up at 4:00 asking if it was time for presents yet! I was able to get him into bed with us and keep him there until 6:15. But that was as long as he could wait. He was very excited about opening presents, but he also wanted to be sure we each had our gifts. So, he was in charge of passing out presents and nothing could be opened until he was done! I had to get a picture of him with his line of gifts before he dove into them.
One of his most-loved gifts was a Mario Kart tee-shirt, along with Wii sleep pants (thanks, Nana). We can't keep this outfit off him - it's a favorite "home outfit".

But the biggest deal of all was the Wii!!! Yes, Santa came through and Harrison got a Wii for Christmas. Life is now complete (yes, this is said with some sarcasm on my part).
I was very happy with my Willow Tree figurine - always a favorite.

Chris was happy with his gifts as well, but you can tell we really would both rather be sleeping.

All in all, it was a great Christmas and we were happy to be together. But guess what??? There was still one more Christmas to go...

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