Saturday, February 14, 2009

Love is in the Air

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! We actually had a wonderful start to our day - Chris and Harrison surprised me with a card, a yellow rose, and a ginormous Hershey's Kiss (which Harrison reminded me "could" be for both of us). Then Chris and I surprised Harrison with a card, a stuffed dog holding a heart, and a "Message Bean" - you water it and when it grows, the bean has the words "I love you" on it. Finally, I surprised Chris with a card. It seems like Dad always get the short end of the Valentine's Day least in our house he does!

We then packed up and drove to Bloomington for the wedding of a dear friend of ours from Phoenix. Now, before you get confused, this is a friend we met while living in Phoenix that now lives in this area, too. It was a lovely wedding and a great reminder of how precious the gift of a spouse can be. The afternoon was quiet - until around 4:00 when Harrison had a basketball game. He had a great time, as usual and we all came home to have a home-cooked meal of steaks on the grill. We are now settling in to more quiet, which is just how we like it. I can't think of a better way to spend this day - surrounded by "my boys". I hope your Valentine's Day was just as special!

1 comment:

emsmommy said...

Nice to see some updates on your blog. Makes me feel like I know what you've been up to this winter since we never get together. Hope you see you Friday night!!!