Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Labor Day Weekend in KY

We spent the 3-day Labor Day weekend in KY. While we were there, Momma surprised Toni and me with a birthday cake...proof that you're NEVER too old to have a birthday cake. Instead of the traditional flowers, Momma had them put balloons on it. It was fun to see a cake with both our names on it - it's been a while since we've done that:

Just a couple of snaps of Toni and me (and Harrison thrown in for fun, too):

We went to the pool late in the afternoon one day. We pretty much had the place to ourselves. It was fun being at the pool with Toni - I can't remember the last time we got to lounge by the pool together. Here we are - the "bathing beauties":

David and Alicia showed up a little later and David had some fun throwing Harrison around the pool. Actually, he threw him all OVER the pool - Harrison had the time of his life!

This one is my favorite...the "throwing flip":

After all the fun and sun we went to Toni's for dinner and a night of Wii games. We got back to Momma's house sometime after 1:00am. So, I took one last picture of Harrison with his grandma before we went to bed. I know I'm biased because she's my mom, but she looks SUPER at 1:00 in the morning!


Stacey said...

It looks like you had a GREAT time. Love your new pictures!

Teresa said...

Your mom does look good! She looks just like she did the last time I seen her -- which was at your baby shower for Harrison! Boy thats been awhile!