Friday, September 19, 2008

A little late...but Harrison's 7!!!

I'm a little late getting this blog out, but Harrison had a birthday party in's hard to believe he's seven years old already! He decided this year to have a backyard party with a High School Musical theme. And, like last year, his choice this year was cupcakes instead of a big cake. So, we decorated the deck and put the food out:

The kids played in the backyard, even the big kids! Check out Missy on the trampoline - the girl's got some moves!

Harrison did a great job of getting all the candles blown out...especially since they were almost higher than his head. All that extra "air" MUST come from Dad!

I have not put any pictures of Harrison's guests as I don't want to post pics of other people's kids. But, he had a nice crowd at his party this year - 3 boys (counting Harrison) and 3 girls...a nice, even number. Everyone had a great time.

Happy birthday, Harrison - I love you more every year!!!!

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