Saturday, October 4, 2008

Really...I got a Cricut!

So, after watching countless infomercials about the Cricut paper cutter, I finally treated myself to one! For those of you familiar with this nifty little contraption, you know it was a bit of a "splurge" but thank the Lord a little money came my way. After giving my 10% to church, I spent a little of it on myself!

Of course, I couldn't open it without Amy there and thankfully, she thought to take some pictures so I could blog this awesome event (thanks, Amy!).

Note the concentration as I open the box:

And here is the proud owner with her new treasure!

Isn't the logo cute?!?!?!?!?

Happy, happy, joy, joy - it works!!!!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

I will be watching for my homemade Christmas card! That thing looks really neat!