Sunday, October 5, 2008

Look, Mom, NO TOOTH!!!

On October 3rd, 2008, Harrison lost his first tooth!!!! He was at the YMCA for "Parents' Night Out" (a wonderful offering from the Y that kids think is for them, but we really know who's benefiting there!). During snack time, Harrison pulled his tooth...we knew it was loose and has been for some time, but I was so surprised that it came out. Thankfully, Becky, a wonderful worker at the Y, held on to the tooth for us (thank you, Becky!) and we were able to leave it for the tooth fairy. Also, I just happened to have the camera with me and got a picture of him before we left the Y:

And, here he is with his "tooth bag" from the tooth fairy...along with the Tooth Fairy's official license!

Congratulations, Harrison - you are officially a "big boy" now!!!

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