Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Outdoor Activities - for everyone

The Moore family has enjoyed the nice weather the past few nights by playing outside as much as possible. Thanks to Amy and Delmar, we have a nice little screened in area on the deck that we've put to use playing games. Last night, the game of choice was the Thomas the Tank Engine "Station Celebration" card game. Harrison won 2 games and Mom won one. Dad, I'm sorry to say, was not able to obtain a victory but there's always next time.

From the card game, Harrison moved on to baseball in the backyard. He's getting pretty good at throwing the ball up and hitting it!

Finally, the evening was rounded out with Harrison and Dad shooting some hoops. Harrison is getting very good a basketball and is even attending YMCA Basketball Camp this week and next.

1 comment:

emsmommy said...

I'm SO glad you are enjoying your screen room! Love Ya!