Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Big Pain in the Backside!

Well, the thing we hoped most would NOT happened actually did happen this past weekend. Last March, Chris went through a terrible week with a peri-rectal abscess. After a CT scan and colonoscopy, we then met with a surgeon who lanced the abscess - in his office...without anesthesia. Needless to say, it was the most excruciating pain Chris has ever had. And, we were told there was a 50-50 chance it would come back again...not the best odds.

So, this past Saturday I took Chris to the ER because the abscess did come back. They gave him injections of pain reliever and antibiotics and we met with the surgeon again yesterday. Again, the surgeon gave us the option of treating him there at the office (to which Chris very quickly said NO) or going to the hospital for surgery.

This morning at 5:30, Chris, Harrison and I headed for St. Joseph Hospital. Chris went into surgery at 7:00 and was released a little after 9:00. Harrison and I agreed that it seemed much later than that - why is it that hospital time moves so-o-o-o-o slowly!

Chris is now home healing and I'll be with him through the day tomorrow. We pray this will be the last time he has to go through this, but we still know there is the possibility that it could happen again. My personal opinion (which I shared with Chris yesterday) is that the Enemy gives us these situations to make us question God. But, we show our faith when we use it as another opportunity to praise God and seek His comfort and love - which is exactly what we ALL did through the weekend, yesterday and today.

Since we don't know what the future holds here, we all ask for your prayers as well - prayers for Chris's healing and comfort and patience for our whole family. We can and will weather this storm!

(Oh, and I'm sure you are all please to see that I'm NOT sharing pictures in this blog!) God bless you all!

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