Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Can you believe it???? Another one gone!

So, I'm sitting quietly reading a book when Harrison walks up and holds out his hand - yes, ANOTHER tooth gone! That's 2 teeth in 4 days. I'm hoping the rest of them take their time. As excited as I was about the first one, the second tooth just reminds me that he's growing up so quickly!

Here's a picture of the growing hole in his mouth...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Bragging rights...

Some of you may have noticed my weight counter on the right side of my blog...I've been "chipping away" at the pounds, especially since mid-June. I have had a struggle with my weight for many years, but it wasn't until I added God to the equation that I started seeing success. My prayer life has included many requests for God to keep me from the temptation of snacking...yes, I'm addicted to junk food! But, through the power of prayer, Weight Watchers, and my dear friend, Amy, I am seeing success.

Here I am last year at almost my peak weight:

And, here I am today - as of today, I have officially lost 30.2 pounds with still another 1.8 pounds to go to reach my end goal.

I have never had this kind of success before, but I know the difference is my support system - Chris cooking healthier meals, Amy being my "point-counting best friend" and God's power in my life. So, maybe I'm bragging a little...but I hope you will excuse me this once!

Look, Mom, NO TOOTH!!!

On October 3rd, 2008, Harrison lost his first tooth!!!! He was at the YMCA for "Parents' Night Out" (a wonderful offering from the Y that kids think is for them, but we really know who's benefiting there!). During snack time, Harrison pulled his tooth...we knew it was loose and has been for some time, but I was so surprised that it came out. Thankfully, Becky, a wonderful worker at the Y, held on to the tooth for us (thank you, Becky!) and we were able to leave it for the tooth fairy. Also, I just happened to have the camera with me and got a picture of him before we left the Y:

And, here he is with his "tooth bag" from the tooth fairy...along with the Tooth Fairy's official license!

Congratulations, Harrison - you are officially a "big boy" now!!!

Fun with Kathy and John...

We spent the last weekend in September in Paducah, KY as guests of John and Kathy Stubblefield, friends of ours from church. The Sandages went as well, so we were a party of 8...6 adults and 2 kids. Yes, the adults were outnumbered! (smile)

Amy and I went down in their van with Emily and Harrison. Here are Harrison and Emily just as we were pulling out of the driveway...they did great on the road, although it's safe to say they were this happy the WHOLE trip:

John and Kathy have a trailer out in the woods of rural KY - it was AWESOME!!! It was great to be out in the boonies for a few days! Delmar and Chris were "initiated" by John right away. Note the "gold" chains - a first-timers tradition with John for any man who stays at their cabin. The guys had to wear these all weekend long!

Harrison also had his first experience sleeping in the to
p bunk of a bunk bed - he LOVED it!

Friday night was spent on the deck, just winding down from the drive and spending some time together. There were LOTS of laughs, as usual. (For a peek of Delmar's party wear, see blog titled "Some Day My Prince Will Come". Please note we have John to thank for this...)

On Saturday, we went to an outdoor flea market and Harrison found a cowboy hat - it will be perfect for his costume in our church play (Harrison's role is the toy cowboy...rumor has it he will be patterning Howdy Doody).

After the flea market we went to a barbecue festival in downtown Paducah. I tried to stick with the diet by eating chicken, but the food smelled delicious! Harrison went on a pony ride and Chris got in touch with his "inner Jamaican, Mon!"

We drove past the Kentucky Dam and Chris got this picture:

Saturday night we went to "Patti's 1880 Settlement" for dinner. The food was fantastic, but the atmosphere was even better. We took several pictures there. Here are just a few:

The boys

The girls

The butterfly chair (a big hit):

Delmar, Chris, and "Dad" (aka John)

A family photo that turned out very well if I do say so myself!

Sunday morning we went as John's and Kathy's guests to their church, The Potter's Hands. It was a wonderful service and everyone was so welcoming. Harrison had a fantastic time at kids church and said he can't wait to go back to church there again.

All in all, it was a wonderful weekend full of lots of fun and fellowship. The only "bad" thing that happened was Harrison's first bee sting - right before we left to drive the 4 1/2 hours home! Fortunately, he showed no reaction to it, other than the trauma of the "bee attack".

We really enjoyed our "KY Vacation" and hope we will get to do it again sometime.
Much thanks and blessings to John and Kathy for being the best vacation hosts EVER!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Some Day My Prince Will Come!

'Nuff said!!!
(You're a GREAT sport, Delmar!!!)

Really...I got a Cricut!

So, after watching countless infomercials about the Cricut paper cutter, I finally treated myself to one! For those of you familiar with this nifty little contraption, you know it was a bit of a "splurge" but thank the Lord a little money came my way. After giving my 10% to church, I spent a little of it on myself!

Of course, I couldn't open it without Amy there and thankfully, she thought to take some pictures so I could blog this awesome event (thanks, Amy!).

Note the concentration as I open the box:

And here is the proud owner with her new treasure!

Isn't the logo cute?!?!?!?!?

Happy, happy, joy, joy - it works!!!!