Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Labor Day Weekend in KY

We spent the 3-day Labor Day weekend in KY. While we were there, Momma surprised Toni and me with a birthday cake...proof that you're NEVER too old to have a birthday cake. Instead of the traditional flowers, Momma had them put balloons on it. It was fun to see a cake with both our names on it - it's been a while since we've done that:

Just a couple of snaps of Toni and me (and Harrison thrown in for fun, too):

We went to the pool late in the afternoon one day. We pretty much had the place to ourselves. It was fun being at the pool with Toni - I can't remember the last time we got to lounge by the pool together. Here we are - the "bathing beauties":

David and Alicia showed up a little later and David had some fun throwing Harrison around the pool. Actually, he threw him all OVER the pool - Harrison had the time of his life!

This one is my favorite...the "throwing flip":

After all the fun and sun we went to Toni's for dinner and a night of Wii games. We got back to Momma's house sometime after 1:00am. So, I took one last picture of Harrison with his grandma before we went to bed. I know I'm biased because she's my mom, but she looks SUPER at 1:00 in the morning!

Happy Birthday, Lilly!

Another birthday to celebrate...this time it's Lilly's turn! I will never forget her birthday, since she shares the same date as mine. Lilly turned 6 on her birthday (I reserve the all. Lilly had a birthday cookie, instead of a birthday cake, with Tinkerbell on it. Because there's a few too many Weight Watchers points in that cookie I didn't taste it, but Harrison assured me it was GREAT!

Back to School...

Once again, I'm a little behind on my blogging but have the best of intentions to get caught up soon. For now, I'll do my best to share what's been happening since August (now that it's the last day of September).

We've headed back to school and Harrison was MOST excited about it! Not only is he now a second grader...he gets to go to Lincoln Elementary, a new school for him. He has adjusted well. Here's a couple of pictures of Harrison and Emily on the first day. While they don't go to the same school now, they still ride the bus together every day:

Friday, September 19, 2008

A little late...but Harrison's 7!!!

I'm a little late getting this blog out, but Harrison had a birthday party in August...it's hard to believe he's seven years old already! He decided this year to have a backyard party with a High School Musical theme. And, like last year, his choice this year was cupcakes instead of a big cake. So, we decorated the deck and put the food out:

The kids played in the backyard, even the big kids! Check out Missy on the trampoline - the girl's got some moves!

Harrison did a great job of getting all the candles blown out...especially since they were almost higher than his head. All that extra "air" MUST come from Dad!

I have not put any pictures of Harrison's guests as I don't want to post pics of other people's kids. But, he had a nice crowd at his party this year - 3 boys (counting Harrison) and 3 girls...a nice, even number. Everyone had a great time.

Happy birthday, Harrison - I love you more every year!!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Ok, so it's not a bush, it's really a small evergreen tree...but it was in my front yard and getting much too big for my taste. After much discussion, Chris and Delmar removed the tree! Of course, I'm still waiting for the stump to be removed before I can do any real landscaping but at least it's a start.

Here's a shot of the tree - you can see it was crowding out the two bushes on each side. I'm not sure what these bushes are but they flower out with the prettiest pink flowers! So, I'm hoping they will really thrive now.

And, here's the boys at work - these two are always looking for things to do. Especially if it involves power tools of any kind.

The infamous stump...I'll be sure to add another post when it's cleared to show you the end result of this most exciting event!

State Farm Park ROCKS!!!

Chris and Harrison have enjoyed many afternoons at State Farm Park...just another perk from Mom! (smile) This summer, Harrison learned to do a front flip off the diving board and Chris was quick enough with the camera to catch it.

As all good tourists, Chris knows how to dress! Check out the outfit and then imagine him walking around with a camera! (Now you know why I let them go without me...)


Last summer when we were in FL, we passed a number of restaurants in Destin. From the backseat, we hear Harrison say, "Hooters...I LOVE Hooters!" We all laughed, but ended up having dinner at O'Charley's that night. Over a year later, Harrison finally got his chance to go to Hooters - the one in Bloomington, IL! Here's Harrison with the ballon they gave him...you can't read it, but the waitress wrote "I love Hooters" on it (appropriate, considering the comment in FL a year earlier!).

We also took a picture of him outside with the sign. It looks like Hooters lived up to Harrison's expectations...we will most likely be returning there in the future!