Monday, May 26, 2008

Chris had a wonderful idea for Memorial Day this year - we went to Weldon Springs and visited the War Memorial. While I'm not sure he really "gets" it, we tried to explain to Harrison the real reason we have Memorial Day. The three of us held hands in front of the memorial and prayed, thanking God for the men and women who have already given their lives and the ones who continue to risk their lives so that we may have the privilege of going to church, going to school, and going to work in a country that allows us the freedom to choose to do these things. It was a wonderful family moment. On our way back to the car, I stopped a lady and asked her to take a picture of us - I'm so blessed to have my family and to live in this country. Happy Memorial Day, Everyone - let us always remember!


DElyea said...

Your blog is great. I enjoyed reading about your experience. So glad to see your family is healthy and happy. I'm sure that Harrison will always remember this day. He is so darn smart!!

I have this on my favorites so I can go out and read about what you are all doing.

It's All About Isabella said...

I added your blog to Isabella's as a link. Hope that is okay. I haven't updated hers in quite sometime. Maybe you have inspired me to do that.
Hope all is well with you and your boys!