Saturday, December 27, 2008

Thanksgiving in KY

In keeping with tradition, Thanksgiving was spent in KY. We had Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday at my mom's house and then again on Saturday at Chris's parents house. At my mom's, Janey (my big sis), Chris and I worked on the stuffing...and there was of course a need for some supervision as well. Here's me supervising Janey:

Janey's turn supervising Chris:

I'm happy to say it all turned out great!

All of Harrison's cousins were there and they had a great time playing kick ball outside (in the interest of confidentiality, I'm not including any photos of them). We did get a photo op with my mom, brother, and sisters...don't be mistaken - the camera angle only makes us look like giants. We are actually average-sized people!

At Chris's parents, we also got an opportunity to get photos of the entire clan...back row: me, Chris, Dale (Chris's dad), Barb (Chris's mom), Roma (Barb's mom), Joan (Barb's sister), Nikki & Johnny (Chris's cousin and his wife...AND their baby was born just a couple of weeks later - congrats to them!). Front row: Craig, Leslie & Katie (Chris's sister, brother-in-law, and their daughter), Drew, Harrison, and Suzie (Chris's cousin). I'm not sure why we've never done this before, but it's the first time I can remember us getting a picture of all of us together.

Also during the weekend, I got a chance to see some old friends. Here we are at O'Charley's where we met up for a cocktail and conversation. Left to right is: Denise, me, Toni, Debbie, and Janie. It was great to see them again!

We had a busy, but very fun weekend - and it was a great reminder of the many blessings God gives us. Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving, too!

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