Friday, August 8, 2008

A Day at Camp Sandage

As the summer has progressed, we've had more and more occasions to lounge at "Camp Sandage". One afternoon, Chris had the camera and captured our day in the pool. Here, Amy and I are "docked" at the side in an effort to get some sun and avoid being splashed by the kids. One comparison of our tans shows who's the pool owner and who is not. :~(

Harrison has enjoyed learning to surf in the pool. You'd think it can't be done without waves, but guess again! By
cleverly constructing a pile of floats and the boogie board, he has learned he can ALMOST stand on water...

Emily's head needs to get larger or she needs smaller goggles (smile):

Lilly works on her tan:

As you can see, Camp Sandage is doing well during its debut season. It will be sad to see the summer come to an end, but never fear...the Moore household has become the focal point for the fall as the fire pit has now been strategically positioned in OUR backyard. Stay tuned - I'm sure the future will lead to a blog of the first fire party at the Moores.

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