Friday, May 30, 2008

A River Runs Through It

In the last blog, I mentioned the storm, so I thought I'd show a few pictures of the fun we've had tonight.

Here's the little creek in our back turned into a river within minutes:

Here's a shot of the water pouring out of the gutters...lots of rain but fortunately no high winds. More storms are coming this way, but most seem to be out of our range. Sometimes it's things like this that remind us of God's awesome power!

Take shelter, please!

As I type this we have severe storms, many producing tornadoes all around us. So, I'm doing the smart thing by blogging - because you know it's always safe to surround yourself with electronics during a lightning storm!

Amy, Emily and Delmar came by for a little visit as we have a basement and they don't. It's always fun to have our little "storm parties" with them. Harrison and Emily spent the evening in the basement, playing with trains and spending equal amounts of time loving each other and bickering...just like the old married couple they plan to be some day!

Thomas the Tank Engine Rolling Along...

For more years than we can count, Harrison has been a fan of Thomas the Tank Engine. Which means, of course, that over the years he has accumulated more and more trains - battery trains, wooden trains, die cast trains and all the "stuff" that goes with them!

This is just a small sample of the mess of trains that have become a part of our family...he still watches the videos and plays with the trains, so how can we complain about that??? I can't imagine his childhood without those trains!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

School's OUT!!!

This picture was taken this morning as Harrison and Emily headed out for their last day of school this year. I don't know which is harder to believe - that the school year is already over OR that Harrison will be in second grade in the fall! He's very excited about moving to a new school for second grade, but more excited about the summer. We should have lots to share as he will be going to State Farm Day Camp, YMCA Camp and basketball camp...along with any other activities we can squeeze in between!

Life on the deck

Chris says the backyard looks like a circus is setting up and I guess he's right. We continue to add things to the back of the house in order to get me outside...most of you know what a home-body I am AND how much the mosquitoes like to bite on me. So, thanks to Amy and Delmar, we have inherited their screen which is now on the right side of the deck (see photo below). Now I can sit in a screened in area OR sit up in the "grilling area" OR move down to the hot tub area (on the left of the photo). Should make for a good "out-doorsy" summer for me!

Dinner date

I know they may look like twins, but this is Harrison and Emily on a dinner date at Emily's house.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Chris had a wonderful idea for Memorial Day this year - we went to Weldon Springs and visited the War Memorial. While I'm not sure he really "gets" it, we tried to explain to Harrison the real reason we have Memorial Day. The three of us held hands in front of the memorial and prayed, thanking God for the men and women who have already given their lives and the ones who continue to risk their lives so that we may have the privilege of going to church, going to school, and going to work in a country that allows us the freedom to choose to do these things. It was a wonderful family moment. On our way back to the car, I stopped a lady and asked her to take a picture of us - I'm so blessed to have my family and to live in this country. Happy Memorial Day, Everyone - let us always remember!

Endings and Beginnings

May 16th was a sad was my last day working with some of the best friends I've ever made at any job! I've made the move from Property & Casualty Underwriting to Learning & Development and while I'm excited for new opportunities for work, I'm really going to miss the friends I've made in PCU. I know we will continue to stay in touch - we've become too much of a family not to! Pictured here are: (back row - Tammy Wiegand, me, Eric Guyton, Angela Martin; front row - Kristin Little, Kelly Freeman, Cara Colvert, Michelle Fox [the "twins", otherwise known as "Mi'ara"]). I love you guys!!!!!

Pictured below are me and my "Mid-America buddies", Leanne Fritz (center) and Elaine Clem (right). Two better road-trip friends were never born. Ladies, we need a repeat performance soon!

A Promise Made

We had another cause to celebrate on Cinco de Mayo - we got to witness a double rainbow! I took a few photos of it, but the second rainbow faded very quickly. This picture was the best of the bunch...but it's still a little hard to see. It's nice to have these reminders of God's promises to us.

Cinco de Mayo

We enjoyed Delmar's and Amy's new deck (at that time, still a work in progress) on Cinco de Mayo. A good time was had by all - complete with taco burgers and cold beverages! Chris and Delmar had spent the day working on the roof of the deck and were more than happy to sit back and relax...well, at least Chris was. Delmar was still looking for the next project to tackle. Of course, Amy and I were there to supervise.

Jump for JOY

Harrison got a trampoline from his Nana and Pop for Christmas, 2007 and had to wait until the following May to use it. He was very patient during those months, never asking WHEN he would get it. He only said, "It sure will be nice to have my trampoline when the weather gets nice." Unfortunately, the weather has done little to cooperate - the day after we put it up it rained with 30 MPH winds. Oh well, summer has to start soon!

In the beginning...

Just got off the phone with my friend Amy. I was telling her how much I wish I had time to create and keep a blog. After hanging up with her, the Nike theme kept running through my mind - "Just Do It!" So, here I am, setting up an account to share news of the Moore family. We'll let you be the judge of just how enthralling we can be around here! Enjoy...